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Shivaji Das is the author of six critically acclaimed books spanning genres of travel memoirs, oral history, business and art. He was the first prize winner for Time Magazine’s Sub-Continental Drift Essay contest and shortlisted for Fair Australia Prize for Short Stories.

Shivaji has been actively involved in migrant issues and is the conceptualizer and organizer for the acclaimed Migrant Worker and Refugee Poetry Contests in Singapore, Malaysia and Kenya and is the founder and director of the Global Migrant Festival.


Shivaji’s work and his interviews have been featured on BBC, CNBC, The Economist, Nikkei, South China Morning Post, CCTV, etc. Shivaji’s writings have been published in magazines such as TIME, South China Morning Post, Think China, Asian Geographic, Jakarta Post, Conscious Magazine, PanaJournal, Freethinker, etc. 


Shivaji Das was born and brought up in the north-eastern province of Assam in India. He is a graduate from IIT Delhi and has an MBA from IIM Calcutta. Shivaji works as the Managing Director-APAC for Frost & Sullivan, a research and consulting company. He is currently a Singapore citizen.





希瓦吉热心社会活动,2015年在新加坡组织孟加拉民工诗歌大赛,活动由多家新闻媒体报道:海峡时报,联合早报,BBC,Channel News Asia。前新加坡外交大使并多位本地著名诗人也参加了该活动。目前希瓦吉正着手筹办马来西亚民工诗歌大赛。


希瓦吉热爱旅行,每到一地皆与当地人深入交流,尤其喜欢同各地的学生有接触和了解的机会,也为旅行本身添上多彩的一笔。目前为止,他在多国机构举办过讲座,其中包括新加坡国立图书馆,印尼驻巴西大使馆,新加坡国立大学(NUS),新加坡国家管理大学(SMU),马来亚大学(UM),中国西安外国语学会,摩洛哥卡迪阿亚大学(Cadi Ayyad University),菲律宾大学宿雾分校(University Philippines, Cebu),印尼玛琅大学(State University of Malang),印尼玛都拉-斯泰因大学(Stain University of Madura)


  • Time Magazine:  First Prize, Sub-Continental Drift Essay contest, 2002

  • Fair Australia Prize 2019: Shortlisted



Singapore Writers Festival, Singapore


Singapore Writers Festival, Singapore


Japan Writers Conference, Otaru, Japan:

  • Workshop on Travel Writing

Singapore Writers Festival, Singapore:

  • The Sensual World of Nepalese Temple Art: Classroom Series Talk

  • The Idea of "Authenticity" in Travel-Writing: Panel

  • Short Short Stories by Migrant Workers: A Reading  - Moderator


Hyderabad Literary Festival, Hyderabad, India:

  • Workshop on Travel Writing

Makassar Int. Writers Festival, Indonesia

  • Talks and Panels


Japan Writers Conference, Tokyo, Japan:

  • Talk on 'Non-Required Travel: Collecting stories of unheard lives'

Singapore Writers Festival, Singapore:

  • Classroom lecture on 'Travel Writing in the age of Instagram'

  • Moderator & Curator for 'In their own words: Migrant Worker Poets'

  • Moderator for the panel 'Speaking for the Voiceless'

George Town Literary Festival, Penang, Malaysia:

  • Launch of 'Angels by the Murky River'

ASEAN Literary Festival, Jakarta, Indonesia:

  • Travel Writing Workshop

  • Panelist for 'More than a travel story'

Cebu Literary Festival, Cebu, The Philippines:

  • Launch of 'Angels by the Murky River'

Maitisong Festival, Gabarone, Botswana:

  • Launch of 'Angels by the Murky River'

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